While purchasing life insurance may seem pretty straightforward, it’s actually quite complex, especially with so many different types available.
In order to offer some clarity on the different types of policies out there, we’ve broken down the most popular kinds of life insurance here and discussed the pros and cons that come with each one.
Don’t Forget to Include Your Digital Assets In Your Estate Plan
If you’ve created an estate plan, it likely includes traditional wealth and assets like finances, real estate, personal property, and family heirlooms. But unless your plan also includes your digital assets, there’s a good chance this online property will be lost forever following your death or incapacity.
Estate Planning Mistakes Seniors (Including You or Your Parents) Can’t Afford to Make
Estate planning really should be considered as soon as you acquire your first asset, have a child, or step into adulthood in any truly meaningful way. And yet many of us put it off for far too long, leaving ourselves and our families at risk of getting stuck in the court system in the event of an unexpected accident, illness, or injury.